Friday, February 26, 2010

Three things which clashes so wonderfully

I have exam next week and haven't even started to study yet! AND STILL CANT T__T SEE HOW SAD IS THIS? And then cheer and sukan is right after exams ~_~

And then three days after Sukan, I have Piano Theory Exam Grade 5 =(

I haven't even master the test yet. I have yet to memorize 5-8 pages of terms and their meaning. I have yet started studying Bio, Physics, Chemistry, Add Maths, Maths, BM, BI, Sejarah, Moral, PJK ...etc etc. =(

I have to spend 3 hours or more in my piano school because my teacher (the principal) wants me to finish up 12 trial exams by TOMORROW which means I cant study yet. And today, I have spent until 4 at piano school. And now still doing the tests =/

And tomorrow, I have to spend maybe another 1-3 hours there again. I have to be there by 9! 9 o'clock in the morning! WARGH! T_T

Thursday, February 25, 2010


X=Hugs right? or was it kisses? LOL

I have forgotten D= But anyway, happy birthday SOOK YII!

Love ya like like like like I love you !!! XD For being a friend and classmate for four years straight and a wonderful company XD A darn nice and sweet person with an abundance of energy on certain days XD

Too bad I don't have a picture of you >D You watch out this year you never know when I might suddenly snap a picture of you XD

Man, I sound like a stalker.

Hope, you'll have a great day =)

Monday, February 22, 2010


tell me that its here somewhere and that I cant see it because I'm blind. Damn it. It was in the pocket. How can it go poof without making a sound! T________T Say its in Michelle's dad's car..PLEASE? T^T

Monday, February 15, 2010

I wanna faint T__T

Someone, help me? T^T

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I want a lawyer! WARGH

Today went out to the MCA thing, and too bad I wasn't caught in the camera XD It was LIVE! XD But when we went there the VIPs havent came yet so nothing much and we didnt wanna wait that long so we went back and was on our way to a temple (My mom said there were activities XD) But my maid (Who came along for the first time) is carsick and vommited.

So, had to bring her home first and then we went out to MidValley for lunch! XD We ate at TGI Friday's! I ate at that place for the first time. How sad is that? XD Oh, and I wore my mom's high heels for the fun of it and well, I regretted =( I always almost trip over and I cant walk a straight path nicely and my feet were sore D=

I have new respect for women who wears high heels. After eating, I went to look around for a shorter high heel or slipper or sandal to wear. But dont have nice one =( So I was stuck with the high heel T____T

Oh yeah, my cousins and I arent that CHEAP! WARGH. I DEMAND A LAWYER!

Shall leave it there and do it another day its gonna be a looong post XD

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Wishing early because most probably wont be posting anything these few days >=D

And and have a fun and safe trip to CHAR LIE AND CHAR NIE AND FAMILY! XD

Just now, there were nice fireworks in my neighbourhood XD And Bruno got so scared he barked real loudly and whined. When I got there, he was shaking all over and when my older brother carried him, his tail was really between his legs =( Poor guy, always shocked by loud noises. He was afraid of the piano sound when he was pup XD

Anyway, have great CNY! >=D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



Well, at least now Roslina's back (she's one of the most yeng ones XD) and we kinda sorta got steps? But heck, the moves me and Sook Yii do, like no one bothers =.= So, I have no idea la.

Today actually supposedly kena from dot dot. But she was in good mood so WHEE for today! T___T Tomorrow, hope wont kena kan from teacher and I'M SORRY PBSM! I didn't go kawad today! D= NEXT WEEK I WILL ATTEND! WARGH MAKE ME ANYHOW!!!!! UNLESS PN DOT DOT DOT WANTS TO KENAKAN AGAIN T___T

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lots and lots

Stressed out because of things =( But then gotta just do my best I guess.

Anyway, cheer one came..again. So, Michelle and I decided to practice in my house. Sook Yii couldn't come =( We made some steps and watched too many videos XD

Dont know whether they coming later XD

I wanna watch Love Guru XD People say its just all retarded and funny >8D


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Doing half

Homework I didn't bother to touch it yet...which is why I'm gonna pay the ultimate price tmrw T_T or maybe later at night T__T Gotta rush all of it again. And damn =/ I dont understand some parts of Bio unless I read through, doing notes doesn't help me at all =(. Chemistry is ok ok. But Physics O_O I think I'd need intensive training on that =/

Thinking up stuff for two days and nothing much I could come up with =( Gotta keep trying anyway!

We're right behind you