Monday, October 26, 2009

I am gonna die soon

Either from playing the piano or my eye balls pop out of their sockets causing me to bleed to death LOL Okay the eyeball part was a joke XD

My piano teacher is giving me 2-3 piano pieces from each book to play. And she gave me 3 new books last Saturday, she said " Now you very free right..?? =) Hur hur hur. So now you can practice" Then she went out of the room and brought back 2 thick books of piano pieces and 1 exam pieces book.

So all together I have 8 books and 2-3 pieces each to pracitce T_T

Man, being free from PMR means being caught in my teacher's plan = Play hard pieces and practice techniques until I'm good

And that means I'll need to extend my piano practices by a lot T_T

My teacher wants me to skip 3 grades for theory and 4 grades for practical.

I'll need to put in extra hours and work on it =.=

I hope I'll still be alive when I'm done

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