Saturday, September 5, 2009

No wonder

Bruno didn't like to eat anymore because it smelled funny...because there were WORMS AND BUGS IN IT! Ugh...I can't believe I've been feeding him that =( Luckily the top wasn't affected but at the bottom had those things crawling.....=_=

Stupid seller. My dad normally bought food from PetsMore near Central but this time he bought it somewhere else....and the man sold it cheaper said it was an 'offer'. Yeah he gave us the offer alright. Offer of worms and bugs.

Never gonna buy it from that guy anymore =_= Found the bugs when feeding Bruno on Wednesday, I told my mum but she just said it may have flown in there...=/ So I just fed it to him and took out the bug. The next day it came back again =_= I didn't kill it I just let it out outside so i guess it came back. So put it back outside.

On Friday my brother found worms and threw them all out. They were not in the food bag but outside so my brother thought it was fine.

Today, my dad suggested to take them all out and dry them under the sun to just check. When we put them all out worms and bugs were all over. You'd feel like puking right there....=S

Lesson learnt. Never buy something without taking a resit of it because you might want to sue the guy XD

Pfft...I wanted to sue that guy but my dad said we ain't got no resit...Darn.

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