Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sudden change =.=

They never informed a lot of ppl today O_O Suddenly changing the time from 10 to 2!!!?!?! =.=

If students from far away came and takes them about 1 hour to reach there, I pity them. They'd have to either wait for 6 freaking hours or go back again which takes another 1 hour and then come back again before 2 =.=

Some more, people who takes the bus...lagi worse =/ They paid the bus driver for sending them and fetching them there already.....and then, have to pay EXTRA because later they again have to come back and go back home.

Came around 9.45 a.m. and found out from Shea Ying and Zhi Xuen that they changed the time =( And then later, Char Nie, Char Lie and Sook Yii came. Talked with some people in charged I think? And they were even confused with the time change too. So don't know la whats goign on. Anyway, we all went back home after that =(

Whyla they didn't inform yesterday at least! Too busy in work? =(

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