Chloe's first attempt to steal! XD
Su Wen's tattoo! XD I like the pattern~ 8D
Green apple a.k.a Chloe !! XD
Ern...posing for me! LOL XD
Doesnt she look cool!?!?! XD

Lynn...taking picture of me..when I'm taking hers...LOL XD
The camera blocking her face! >=/
Ern...(The Thinker statue! XD) and Shiao Yen..XD

Michelle and Lee Yin..!
Justin! XD or Justina
You didnt see that!! 8D
Chloe....! haha!!

Rebecca, Michelle, Lee Yin, and Kushaal! XD
Chloe Foo a.k.a Green Apple stops a deadly attack from Justin
by using her camera and two fingers!! XD
Justin's attempt to hit Tuck Fai with wooden eer....thing (?)
And...Tuck Fai dodges..! LOLXD
Kushaal's talk-to-the-hand pose! XD
Su Wen and Shiao Yen walking away..........
Char Lie is modelling! XD
Runaway Model! 8D
Char Lie and eerr......my twin! LOL XD
Kushaal selling PJK shirt for RM 10..! XD
Chloe and me! XD

Lee Yin in the car!
Chloe in the car~ XD
We went to KFC to get eerr....lunch..(?)

In my room~ XD
Shall update more tommorow~! Spent two hours on these only...!>_<
We all ate KFC later on and I think Chloe took some pictures of it...
Then we all played UNO and then...
SPORE! *_*
If Ying came to school...
she could've come too....
We played Spore for I think almost 2 hours..
And then, Ern's dad came to pick her up..
And we bid her good bye!!!!!!
lol XD
And then, Chloe, me, and Lee Yin...
went on playing UNO ...AGAIN...! XD
Us playing UNO...but was really distracted ....!!! XD
Chloe....distracted by her camera! XD
Chloe saying...~!XD
When we finished playing UNO, we played Scrabble...
and my brothers interfered...
And guess what?
I helped Chloe get 62 points ONLY BY USING the letter Q!
And also helped my older brother get extra points by accident!
I have to learn to keep my mouth shut.....! >_<
Lee Yin's relative came and picked her up when we were about to end the game....
And the results are ...
My older brother ....3rd!
Lee yin....4th!
Chloe playing with my monkey key-chain...though the monkey is not seen
here....! XD
Chloe took this picture with my camera when I was messing
around with hers...LOL XD
Chloe walking towards her parents car...! XD AT NIGHT! 8D
Chloe was the last to go back and I just had to take this! XD
Because my other two failed miserably...^^lll
And there was one picture with Rebecca in it......
but she saw me taking it and
we had a goose-chase! XD
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