Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hari Merdeka!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Story (Part 2)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Snow and Autumn

Singing day..*GULP*
We, 2 Setia's have lost the competition..And actually I'm happy about it...XD We don't need to sing an encore and also no need to sing tommorow!!~!~!~! WHOOOOO! Eventhough we did lose, we all had fun..XD That's the MOST important thing. I don't care we lost or we won, it's just that we had fun or not..XD Although winning might be nice. LOL And..guess what..WE ACTUALLY GOT FIFTH PLACE!!! It's a MIRACLE! ....................I wonder when the sky will fall and pigs fly...*looks at the sky* Ah well, these are the winners of the Form 2 round...XD Go LOL
- 2 Usaha!!! *whooo!!!!* Great singing!!!!
- 2 Maju!!! Go Yasmeen!!~!~!~!
- 2 Tekun...go..Marcus? XD (The top 3 are the winners!!!)
- 2 Amanah..Is there anyone we know from here..? XD
- 2 Setia...That's us!!! LOL!
And that concludes the 3 top (?) for the Form 2!! ...and also the fourth and fifth..! HAHHAHAHA!!! Oh the way, the reason why I said "It's a miracle" is because...
- We didn't quite remember the lyrics..XD
- We didn't sing so well...because of lack of practice XD
- We didn't really want to win!!!
- We didn't actually want to sing
- We lack of practice..HAHHAHAHA
- Our...voices...errr.............................Let's leave that...hahahaha
- We aren't very good
P.S If there's anyone who wants to be VERY, and I mean VERY bad at singing, come find us!!! XD We have specialist for it..=D We'll even give you tips and free cookies!!~!~!!..............Well.......I don't really mean the cookies part..but...what the heck! XD
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Things happening

A picture I found..XD
Oh...look 10 fingers..!!!!!!!XD
My mom holding donuts we bougth earlier on..=D DONUT~~~
You power up technology..??
Can you spot the end of the Jalur Gemilang flag?
What are you smiling about? >=D
And after that, my father and brother came then we went back home~~
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Story (Part 1)
Unable to...
Attend today's practice....I'm sorry ( everyone )because I have no transport to go... My explanation
- My younger brother went to sit for the Singapore entrance exam
- My parents went with him.
- My parents forbid my older brother to drive the car without parental guidance.
- By the time, my parents come's around 5.
And that concludes all the reasons.
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Friend Most True


Maybe it's just a question which can never or in time will be answered......
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My brother's 'entertaining' leisure

He calls this one "Heads UP"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
What a day!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I Survive!!!! And I WILL SURVIVE!
After being in the car with my brother DRIVING it, I survived!!! I'm not saying that he'll kill us all or anything....Or is it..?? =D The other day; after he passed the driving test, he drove the car with my whole family in it to Pearl Point....(Is it correctly spellled??) When he was drving at a slope which goes downhill, ....normally you WOULD slow down ..right? (Because it goes down and the car goes faster...? ) Did you know what my brother did? Instead of steeping the brake, he ...=_='' step on the gas , and we almost crashed into the car in front of us. Luckily, we all screamed at him; like this " OOOOIIII!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!?! STEP THE BRAKE NOW!!!!!!" And then we stop ...very roughly before the car in front of us.....*Phew* And so, the lesson learnt is...
Friday, August 15, 2008
To enjoy or not to enjoy...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wrong..right...? Noo...WRONG
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Crazed desire
I need to get ....Breaking dawn as soon as possible.... but.......................
I only can get the book during the holidays...Ain't that sad..?!?!?!?!
I'm getting crazy about it and seriously need to read it before I go "KABOOOI"!!!!!
I know I'm being crazy about it......But..sorry..I can't help it...
PS: I'm sorry again , but I can't help it
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Today's the day!!!!!
Tsubasa Chronicles !~!~!~!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Appreciation to...
Everyone..!! Especially my friends..... [Alphabetically]
Chloe Cheryl Su wen Ying Ern Lynn Char Lie Shye Wei Marianne Kye Chin
And to everybody I know!!!!!!!!!! Okay...maybe not alphabetically...XD
I think I have not been a very good friend to all of you...And I may have hurt you all deeply; emotionally or any way that is possible.. Therefore, I apologize...I just want you guys to know that I will forever remember all the things you ppl have done....Thanks for everything!!!!
To Ying and Ern..
I'm sorry for your late presents..!!! Forgive meee!!!!