Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a day!

We all had kawad today, I didn't have transport; so Ying and Ern's dad came and fetch me;( Thanks again!!!!) I was waiting for them to come and I told my brother to wait with me because later he has to lock the door and gate. We waited for 10 minutes and my brother got so bored that when Ying called me; he went out and took my shoes along and HID IT!!! It took me quite some time to find them, because I was looking for it at a VERY far and different location. I went to find them at the shoe racks and went around the house.....I finally found one of them UNDER THE CAR...( I should've look for them OUTSIDE first...T-T) and the other IN A PLANT!!!! Okay..not exactly IN the plant , it was in the flower pot..or..something like that...XD and then Ying and Ern came~!!! Then we went off...!!!!..to school that is XD Then we all kawad then ate lunch. Oh yeah!! When we were coming back to school me and Marianne was kinda ...eerrr...spying or some sort like in a 'military mission' LOL!!!!! XD we hid and crawl and stuff , we wanted to 'ambush' Chloe, Su Wen, Lynn, Ern, and Ying.....XD In the end it didn't work because Karen was pointing at the both of us when we were hidding..XD After that, we kawad again and again..................and again................................and again
and again....
and again..!!
Soon, it was 3 and then we all went home!!!~!~
Oh yeah, ..

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