Two of my little green babies died! T^T
Their testa's broke but I think they drowned in the water...! T^T
The radicle is not found and also they're both almost splitted into two!
I fear for my remaining 19 (I planted 20 but added 1 more yesterday) beans! LOL I'm like a worried parent XD;;;
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
My babies!!!!!!
LOL okay that may have sounded a way....LOL nvm la XD My 20 little green baby beans are growing too fast. *sob*
And soon they wont need me anymore to care for them XD (I sound like a dramatic mom....XD ) I dont know how to stick them on the Peka Science paper =/
And most of my green beans' testa broke right after a few minutes!!!! O_O It's supposed to break on the first day, either my beans have a huge growth spurt or I gave them too much water XD;;;;
Gtg add more water now!~
And soon they wont need me anymore to care for them XD (I sound like a dramatic mom....XD ) I dont know how to stick them on the Peka Science paper =/
And most of my green beans' testa broke right after a few minutes!!!! O_O It's supposed to break on the first day, either my beans have a huge growth spurt or I gave them too much water XD;;;;
Gtg add more water now!~
Monday, April 27, 2009
Laughter =)
1,2, laugh!
People say laughter is the greatest medicine,
To me laughter is an expression of joy,
The music of the heart inside,
The feeling and serenity it gives.
I thank my lucky stars for the friends I've met,
The friends who give me joy,
Who are gifted with ways of their laughter and giggles,
And share and spread their laughter to me.
A cheerful heart keeps the sadness away.
A laughter a day keeps the wrinkles away =)
So go on, laugh,
Laugh till you cant bear it anymore,
Laugh till everyone thinks your nuts, but you are anyway XD
So laugh, and I'll laugh with you too. ;D
People say laughter is the greatest medicine,
To me laughter is an expression of joy,
The music of the heart inside,
The feeling and serenity it gives.
I thank my lucky stars for the friends I've met,
The friends who give me joy,
Who are gifted with ways of their laughter and giggles,
And share and spread their laughter to me.
A cheerful heart keeps the sadness away.
A laughter a day keeps the wrinkles away =)
So go on, laugh,
Laugh till you cant bear it anymore,
Laugh till everyone thinks your nuts, but you are anyway XD
So laugh, and I'll laugh with you too. ;D
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My brother kept quoting
"Whenever there's a monkey, there will ALWAYS be a Yen Ling *smiles widely*"
I tried to retort back but then I didn't have a good comeback at that time =/ so I just stick my tongue out at him XD Yesterday we went to out to eat, and I ordered orange juice! XD And you know what? I found three dead ants or bugs in it =/ Sad sad bugs. When I took the three of them out, they were already dead =( My parents saw me taking the bugs out and told the waitress change the drink...=/ Wasting water only XD
Hmm...oh yeah, later on we went to the pasar malam and guess who I saw? That person's a she. And she's a person we AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL know. And she's a person who always is in school.
Pn. Cheng.
I saw her walking pass me, carrying a pink handbag. I think she glanced at me because my eyes were like....O_________Ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HAHA XD I quickly walked away and I really hope she doesn't know or remember me!! >_< After that, we got some sticky stuff which is quite amazing XD Will show next time because I'm still a way to stick my shampoo bottle on the wall....(you'll get what I mean when I show you how the sticky stuff works) And I got Hotel For Dogs!!!!!!!! =3 I've been waiting for it for so long XD
And now I'm proud to say Bruno knows how to roll over! :DDDDDDD
Now he can...
Stay when I tell him to eventhough I put his treat/ food right in front of him which tempts him a lot. (I taught him this XD)
Tip-toe on his back legs
Tip-toe while twirling a round like a ballerina XD (the tip-toes trick was taught by me XD)
Tip-toe backwards
Jump and gives two of his front paws to LOL
And now roll over! XD
I tried to retort back but then I didn't have a good comeback at that time =/ so I just stick my tongue out at him XD Yesterday we went to out to eat, and I ordered orange juice! XD And you know what? I found three dead ants or bugs in it =/ Sad sad bugs. When I took the three of them out, they were already dead =( My parents saw me taking the bugs out and told the waitress change the drink...=/ Wasting water only XD
Hmm...oh yeah, later on we went to the pasar malam and guess who I saw? That person's a she. And she's a person we AAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL know. And she's a person who always is in school.
Pn. Cheng.
I saw her walking pass me, carrying a pink handbag. I think she glanced at me because my eyes were like....O_________Ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HAHA XD I quickly walked away and I really hope she doesn't know or remember me!! >_< After that, we got some sticky stuff which is quite amazing XD Will show next time because I'm still a way to stick my shampoo bottle on the wall....(you'll get what I mean when I show you how the sticky stuff works) And I got Hotel For Dogs!!!!!!!! =3 I've been waiting for it for so long XD
And now I'm proud to say Bruno knows how to roll over! :DDDDDDD
Now he can...
Stay when I tell him to eventhough I put his treat/ food right in front of him which tempts him a lot. (I taught him this XD)
Tip-toe on his back legs
Tip-toe while twirling a round like a ballerina XD (the tip-toes trick was taught by me XD)
Tip-toe backwards
Jump and gives two of his front paws to LOL
And now roll over! XD
Saturday, April 25, 2009
was really fun XD And I enjoyed every single minute of it =) Eventhough H EDDK QDZK KDES NTS..... (And no that isn't a typo error XD) Wanna go to the Paroimia tonight =/ But cant sadly. But now I'm off to reading mangas or books or something else XD
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Story...(shall insert tittle when I figure it out...^^lll)
"Daddy!!!!!!!! DADDY!!!!!!!! DADDY!!!!!!!! Don't go!!!!" The little girl screamed and plead as the man walked out of the house. She screamed as much as she could and as if hers and her mom's life were depending on her. Her knees were failing her and tears streamed down her tiny face. She knew he would never return, no matter what she did. Don't go.....Don't go...What did I do that made you go? The girl thought while she cried and cried.
LOL I had nothing better to do! XD;;;; So for now this is what I typed la...Maybe I'll continue once every week XD
LOL I had nothing better to do! XD;;;; So for now this is what I typed la...Maybe I'll continue once every week XD
Exam's over and I'm off to enjoy myself and put my nose into books! Not literally of course XD
And tmrw's the Installation...I wonder how it'll turn out....XD
And I don't think I'll be blogging or have anything to do with the computer for a while. It reminds me too much of the horror of projects =/
"I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
Thanks everyone for tolerating my eccentricness (this whole week or maybe the whole time you knew me) and also if I was too cranky and complained too much, I'm sorry.
And tmrw's the Installation...I wonder how it'll turn out....XD
And I don't think I'll be blogging or have anything to do with the computer for a while. It reminds me too much of the horror of projects =/
"I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend."
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Thanks everyone for tolerating my eccentricness (this whole week or maybe the whole time you knew me) and also if I was too cranky and complained too much, I'm sorry.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mental Exam Preparation
Are you ready for this week's exam?
err......I dont know..maybe? no? yes? no?
Did you study all the subjects yet?
no...only some...T^T
Do you think you'll make it out alive?
I'll let you know when I do make it.
Do you stay focus studying when there's loud noises about?
No....Bruno's whine distract me A LOT.
If you answer most of the questions no...then....this is what I have to say.
Just try to stay alive and STUDY HARDER AND SMARTER!!!
LOL my own mental test aint helping me =/
And Good luck everyone for this week's Intervensi!!!!!!!!!!!
err......I dont know..maybe? no? yes? no?
Did you study all the subjects yet?
no...only some...T^T
Do you think you'll make it out alive?
I'll let you know when I do make it.
Do you stay focus studying when there's loud noises about?
No....Bruno's whine distract me A LOT.
If you answer most of the questions no...then....this is what I have to say.
Just try to stay alive and STUDY HARDER AND SMARTER!!!
LOL my own mental test aint helping me =/
And Good luck everyone for this week's Intervensi!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I am
MAD at you for wanting to take away and letting go the life you have.
FURIOUS at you for almost taking yourself away; never returning from us all forever
CRYING for you because I almost lost you forever
HATING you for making mom cry and screaming her heart out. Making me cry silently in the night and upset the whole time. Making Jen think that he's useless and stupid.
ANGRY at you because YOU should know that letting go the life you had wasn't going to change anything.
WORRIED for you because I don't know what you will do next.
It's like I don't know who you are anymore.
Your walking around the house; lifeless and empty.
I want to slap reality back into you and make you think about what you've done and what you should do.
15 years with you, I think I should know what you are like.
But then again, maybe I don't know you at all now.
FURIOUS at you for almost taking yourself away; never returning from us all forever
CRYING for you because I almost lost you forever
HATING you for making mom cry and screaming her heart out. Making me cry silently in the night and upset the whole time. Making Jen think that he's useless and stupid.
ANGRY at you because YOU should know that letting go the life you had wasn't going to change anything.
WORRIED for you because I don't know what you will do next.
It's like I don't know who you are anymore.
Your walking around the house; lifeless and empty.
I want to slap reality back into you and make you think about what you've done and what you should do.
15 years with you, I think I should know what you are like.
But then again, maybe I don't know you at all now.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
PBSM First Aid Course XD
It wasn't as bad I thought it would fact I thought it was real fun XD =)
Actually Char Lie and Char Nie joined too, but then they didn't want to and asked someone else to take their place... LOL So left me and Becca ! XD
At first we thought we were the only Form 3s there. Then we saw Zhen Meng and Chun Yuen XD At the beginning it wasn't real that exciting but then the CPR dummie came along
*Dum dum duuuuuum*
There were 5 dummies so we had to take turns well do CPR on the dummies, yeap mouth to mouth 4 times ...XD;;;;;;;;;; And nope my dummie's head didn't came off =D Everytime when a person's turn was finished, they will put listerine on the dummie's mouth... Bleck =/ It tastes real funny because its really sticky and the minty taste XD
And the lecturer or err....person in charge kept saying...after we checked the 'pulse' and breathing..we have to kiss it (Hembus or err....exhale into the dummie's mouth (?) ). LOL Not literally la of course XD
Fong Yik was the unluckiest of us all, she had to do the mouth to mouth thing 12 times, 8 more times than we all did ! XD Because she was in the last group to do. She has just lost her first 12 kisses XD LOL jk.
The most fun part was the 'baluting' part XD I kept doing it wrong so I always became the model instead for Becca....I suck at bandaging =( And becca out of fun, go and handcuffed my hands together when I wasn't aware. >_<
Had to asked Zhen Meng to help uncuffed me. After all of it was over, me and Becca waited for out transport outside. Then Becca got real bored so she threw my Sejarah book into the field through a hole. I jumped down and retrieved it..then she took my rubberband pula and threw it out again. =/ After that, she took my pencil box and threw it too =.=
Soon, my dad came and icked me up and I went home~
Around 5.30, I took Bruno out for a walk with Xin Chien like usual. After a while we took him to the playground. There were two boys playing badminton and both were I think about standard 1 or 2. Bruno started approaching Boy A. Boy A was real nice and played with him =) But boy B is really someone you'd get irratated at. Boy B wanted to hit Bruno with his racquet....>=( I tell ya I was about to stop him but Boy A stopped him first and said " Eh, dont hit him la! He didn't hurt you also!" Boy B kept quiet so I walked away from them and smiled at Boy A. Boy B then said " Disgusting dog" =_=
I felt like killing him right there! I wanted to smack him so bad! >=[ But then he was just a small kid. Maybe he'd learn as he grows up that dogs aren't disgusting but are living things like we all are. If he really still is a rotten kid, I tell ya I would really want toteach him a lesson. No one talks horribly about my dog, friends or family.
Actually Char Lie and Char Nie joined too, but then they didn't want to and asked someone else to take their place... LOL So left me and Becca ! XD
At first we thought we were the only Form 3s there. Then we saw Zhen Meng and Chun Yuen XD At the beginning it wasn't real that exciting but then the CPR dummie came along
*Dum dum duuuuuum*
There were 5 dummies so we had to take turns well do CPR on the dummies, yeap mouth to mouth 4 times ...XD;;;;;;;;;; And nope my dummie's head didn't came off =D Everytime when a person's turn was finished, they will put listerine on the dummie's mouth... Bleck =/ It tastes real funny because its really sticky and the minty taste XD
And the lecturer or err....person in charge kept saying...after we checked the 'pulse' and breathing..we have to kiss it (Hembus or err....exhale into the dummie's mouth (?) ). LOL Not literally la of course XD
Fong Yik was the unluckiest of us all, she had to do the mouth to mouth thing 12 times, 8 more times than we all did ! XD Because she was in the last group to do. She has just lost her first 12 kisses XD LOL jk.
The most fun part was the 'baluting' part XD I kept doing it wrong so I always became the model instead for Becca....I suck at bandaging =( And becca out of fun, go and handcuffed my hands together when I wasn't aware. >_<
Had to asked Zhen Meng to help uncuffed me. After all of it was over, me and Becca waited for out transport outside. Then Becca got real bored so she threw my Sejarah book into the field through a hole. I jumped down and retrieved it..then she took my rubberband pula and threw it out again. =/ After that, she took my pencil box and threw it too =.=
Soon, my dad came and icked me up and I went home~
Around 5.30, I took Bruno out for a walk with Xin Chien like usual. After a while we took him to the playground. There were two boys playing badminton and both were I think about standard 1 or 2. Bruno started approaching Boy A. Boy A was real nice and played with him =) But boy B is really someone you'd get irratated at. Boy B wanted to hit Bruno with his racquet....>=( I tell ya I was about to stop him but Boy A stopped him first and said " Eh, dont hit him la! He didn't hurt you also!" Boy B kept quiet so I walked away from them and smiled at Boy A. Boy B then said " Disgusting dog" =_=
I felt like killing him right there! I wanted to smack him so bad! >=[ But then he was just a small kid. Maybe he'd learn as he grows up that dogs aren't disgusting but are living things like we all are. If he really still is a rotten kid, I tell ya I would really want toteach him a lesson. No one talks horribly about my dog, friends or family.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
If only
If only we weren't there at that very second.
If only I warned him a little earlier.
If only I called him to come a little earlier.
If only we could escape my parents scolding later on =_=
Nah. cant escape anyway.
My brother got the car scratched and dented on the side of the car.
he was driving straight then the car on the left was turning.
The car then knocked into us. And guess who's the driver?
A teacher from our school, Puan Faridatul.
Luckily she's quite nice and maybe I'll need to see her tmrw during nilam time.
I hope my parents wont be as mad as I think it will.
If only I warned him a little earlier.
If only I called him to come a little earlier.
If only we could escape my parents scolding later on =_=
Nah. cant escape anyway.
My brother got the car scratched and dented on the side of the car.
he was driving straight then the car on the left was turning.
The car then knocked into us. And guess who's the driver?
A teacher from our school, Puan Faridatul.
Luckily she's quite nice and maybe I'll need to see her tmrw during nilam time.
I hope my parents wont be as mad as I think it will.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
14 going up 15
Our very own Green Apple has now become 15! =D A year older than some of us..... XD
Oh yeah, do you know why your parents named you as Chloe?
I'll tell ya now~
Now you know... XD And happy brithday again =) I would want to put up our standard 5 and 6 pictures but then I'm in it XD
but then again..............*evil grin* =D
Oh yeah, do you know why your parents named you as Chloe?
I'll tell ya now~
Now you know... XD And happy brithday again =) I would want to put up our standard 5 and 6 pictures but then I'm in it XD
but then again..............*evil grin* =D
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
When I needed to rush to finish up my KH project, my mom helped me to check spelling error in my Sejarah project and also helped me to cut and stick some pictures in the KH project! =) She stayed up all night with me till 1 something just to help me. I still feel kinda guilty about it.....>_<
When I needed to rush to finish up my KH project, my mom helped me to check spelling error in my Sejarah project and also helped me to cut and stick some pictures in the KH project! =) She stayed up all night with me till 1 something just to help me. I still feel kinda guilty about it.....>_<
Monday, April 13, 2009
WHOOO!! *confetti*
I'm finally done with Sejarah project!
*Skips in joy*
WHOOO!! *confetti*
I'm finally done with Sejarah project!
*Skips in joy*
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Easter!

Whee!~ Eater's here, and THAT means bunnies and chocolate filled eggs!~! HAHAHAH XD
Although I dont really celebrate Easter Day, I like to celebrate it in way XD

READING and getting more books!~! XD
Tmrw I'll be going to MPH!!! =) I think...I wanna go real badly.. =( I still haven't got some books I craved for so long.

Hmm.....I hope I can attend Cheryl's Easter church event XD
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Poor poor flower =(
Unfortunately I have to kill an innocent little living thing called the hibiscus!
And LOL I didn't even know that there was a huge bunch of it behind my neighbour's house
And I pass by it everytime I go to school......
*Depress mode*
I am not observant at all... T_T
After I picked the flowers, I put it in a ....well used to be peanut butter casing or er....jar.
HAHA I have no vase for it.. XD

I find the orangie one reeeeal pretty and nice >=)

And LOL I didn't even know that there was a huge bunch of it behind my neighbour's house
And I pass by it everytime I go to school......
*Depress mode*
I am not observant at all... T_T
After I picked the flowers, I put it in a ....well used to be peanut butter casing or er....jar.
HAHA I have no vase for it.. XD

I find the orangie one reeeeal pretty and nice >=)

Monday, April 6, 2009
tag by...O_O
Ying and Su Wen..LOL XD
Do I have to do two or just one? LOL Okayla, I do one only~ XD
1) The person who tag you is:
Ying, Su Wen...both?
2)Your relationship with him/her is:
We're sworn nemesis. HAHAHA Just joking XD We're V-good friends! (I got that from the V-Good drink...LOL I have no idea why that poped up in my mind)
3)Your impression of him/her is:
HAHA I remember that time. Ern and Ying were wearing their librarian uniform and Ying was wearing...I think a Girl's Brigade uniform....GOMENASAI! I forgot! T___T And they were seating at the last row beside the window near the back door of the class room. They came in at the very last day of school. My first impression was " You guys are sisters right?" HAHA XD
hmm..Su Wen.ah....OH YEAH HAHAHA It was during Pn. Mutha's get-to-know-essay thing..We had to write each a biodata in our row. HAHA XD
4) The most memorable moments with them:
Ying: Standard 6 after UPSR...HAHA Our room and the room full of tables and chairs...>=D
Su Wen: Going to Sunway and ice-skate like mad..HAHA And....the oral test for BM and BI..HAHAHA XD
5)The most memorable thing he/she has said to you:
Hmm...."I'm glad we dutied together" =)
Su Wen was..."PFFT RIGHT EAT MY FART DAIKONS!" HAHAHAHHAAH Ah man, I still am laughing like crazy...HAHAHAHAHAHAA
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will
I think I would be killed the very next day and I AINT LESS!!! >_<
7)If he/she becomes yr lover, what should he/she improve at:
Allowing Daikon Land to rise and give up on world conquer! HAHA XD
8) If he/she becomes yr enemny, what would you do:
I would.....go into World War 3 with them HAHAHAHHAH
Nah, I guess we would avoid each other at first. then I'll apologize like crazy..HAHA XD
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be:
They conquered the whole world and without leaving some land for me and my daikons! =(
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
*Hypnosis on going* You will join me in my quest for Daikon Land...repeat after me...You will join me in my quest for Daikon Land...
11) Your overall impression on him/her:
Ying: She's a reeeal nice person but can be evil when she's angry..Well, last time anyway..HAHAHA She goves lots of super advice which I apprieciate aaaaand she's REALLY GOOD in drawing. She gave me tutors last time in primary! MY SENSEI! HAHA XD
Su Wen: She sometimes has her mood swings which for me are sometimes real hillarious to watch HAHA XD She's nice to talk to because different topics will come out of her mouth within 10 minutes HAHAHA XD Annnnd I enjoy her company!~
12) The characteristic you love most about myself:
hmm...I think that when I'm determined about something, I'll finish the job till the very end.
13) The characteristic you hate about yourself:
I can be real stubborn at times HAHA and I think I'm real annoying and eccentric.
14) The most ideal person you want to be is:
err....Well, I dont know yet
15) For people who care and like you, say something to them:
16) Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you.
17) Who is 6 (Lynn) having a relationship with:
LOL no one this very day that is XD
18) Is 9 (Zhen Meng)a male or a female:
Male HAHA Oh wait...nah, he's a female on second thought. HAAHAH jk
19) If 7 (Kye Chin) and 10 (Chi Yan) were together, would it be a good thing:
O___O Errr...........................
I dont know......O_O
20) What is 2 (Cheryl) studying at the moment:
Err......hmm...."How To Stay Young Forver Within 1 hour" HAHAHAHA XD
21) When was the last time you had a chat with 4 (Char Nie):
yesterday evening HAHA XD
22) What kind of music does 8 (Shye Wei)like:
23) Does 1 (Chloe) have any siblings:
Yeeap, a sister HAHA
24) Will you woo 3 (Ern):
O________________O NOOOO! I aint less!
25) How about 7 (Kye Chin)
No thanks I told you already I ain't less...>_<
26) Is 4 (Char Nie) single:
yeeap..I think HAHAH
27) What's the surname of 5 (Char Lie)
*cough* *cough* Cow *cough*
28) What's the hobby of 5 (Char Lie)
Trying to sneak into David Archuleta's perfomance in the stadium....XD
29) Do 5(Char Lie) and 9(Zhen Meng) get along well:
Yeah..I think so HAHA XD
30) Where is 2 (Cheryl) studying at:
Saujana with us retards HAHA XD
31) Say something casual about your eyes:
err...they're light brown and people's first impression would be " Do you wear contacts?" HAHAH XD
32) Have you tried developing feelings for 5 (Char Lie)
O_O As friends yeah other than that no
33) Where does 9 (Zhen Meng) lives?
I dont know! I DONT STALK HIM! >_<
34) What colour does 4 (Char Nie) likes:
Purple and pink now HAHA XD
35) Are 5 (Char Lie)and 1 (Chloe) good friends:
They're ok okla XD
36) Does 7 ( Kye Chin) likes 2 (Cheryl)
*cough* Someone *cough* will be on *cough* a killing spree *cough*
I didn't say anything =)
37) How did you get to know 2 (Cheryl)
I was introduced by Anash and Chloe during standard 5 XD
38) Does 1 (Chloe) have any pets:
yes...She used to have a guinea pig and she has fishes..HAHA XD
39) Is 7 (Kye Chin) the sexiest person in the world:
I guess she is BUT I DONT LOOK AT HER THAT WAY! She's pretty and beautiful in her own way!!!
40) Are you sexy?
O_O *pause* ..............*blacks out*
Do I have to do two or just one? LOL Okayla, I do one only~ XD
1) The person who tag you is:
Ying, Su Wen...both?
2)Your relationship with him/her is:
We're sworn nemesis. HAHAHA Just joking XD We're V-good friends! (I got that from the V-Good drink...LOL I have no idea why that poped up in my mind)
3)Your impression of him/her is:
HAHA I remember that time. Ern and Ying were wearing their librarian uniform and Ying was wearing...I think a Girl's Brigade uniform....GOMENASAI! I forgot! T___T And they were seating at the last row beside the window near the back door of the class room. They came in at the very last day of school. My first impression was " You guys are sisters right?" HAHA XD
hmm..Su Wen.ah....OH YEAH HAHAHA It was during Pn. Mutha's get-to-know-essay thing..We had to write each a biodata in our row. HAHA XD
4) The most memorable moments with them:
Ying: Standard 6 after UPSR...HAHA Our room and the room full of tables and chairs...>=D
Su Wen: Going to Sunway and ice-skate like mad..HAHA And....the oral test for BM and BI..HAHAHA XD
5)The most memorable thing he/she has said to you:
Hmm...."I'm glad we dutied together" =)
Su Wen was..."PFFT RIGHT EAT MY FART DAIKONS!" HAHAHAHHAAH Ah man, I still am laughing like crazy...HAHAHAHAHAHAA
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will
I think I would be killed the very next day and I AINT LESS!!! >_<
7)If he/she becomes yr lover, what should he/she improve at:
Allowing Daikon Land to rise and give up on world conquer! HAHA XD
8) If he/she becomes yr enemny, what would you do:
I would.....go into World War 3 with them HAHAHAHHAH
Nah, I guess we would avoid each other at first. then I'll apologize like crazy..HAHA XD
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be:
They conquered the whole world and without leaving some land for me and my daikons! =(
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
*Hypnosis on going* You will join me in my quest for Daikon Land...repeat after me...You will join me in my quest for Daikon Land...
11) Your overall impression on him/her:
Ying: She's a reeeal nice person but can be evil when she's angry..Well, last time anyway..HAHAHA She goves lots of super advice which I apprieciate aaaaand she's REALLY GOOD in drawing. She gave me tutors last time in primary! MY SENSEI! HAHA XD
Su Wen: She sometimes has her mood swings which for me are sometimes real hillarious to watch HAHA XD She's nice to talk to because different topics will come out of her mouth within 10 minutes HAHAHA XD Annnnd I enjoy her company!~
12) The characteristic you love most about myself:
hmm...I think that when I'm determined about something, I'll finish the job till the very end.
13) The characteristic you hate about yourself:
I can be real stubborn at times HAHA and I think I'm real annoying and eccentric.
14) The most ideal person you want to be is:
err....Well, I dont know yet
15) For people who care and like you, say something to them:
16) Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you
1. Chloe
2. Cheryl
3. Ern
4. Char Nie
5. Char Lie
6. Lynn
7. Kye Chin
8. Shye Wei
9. Zhen Meng
10. Chi Yan
17) Who is 6 (Lynn) having a relationship with:
LOL no one this very day that is XD
18) Is 9 (Zhen Meng)a male or a female:
Male HAHA Oh wait...nah, he's a female on second thought. HAAHAH jk
19) If 7 (Kye Chin) and 10 (Chi Yan) were together, would it be a good thing:
O___O Errr...........................
I dont know......O_O
20) What is 2 (Cheryl) studying at the moment:
Err......hmm...."How To Stay Young Forver Within 1 hour" HAHAHAHA XD
21) When was the last time you had a chat with 4 (Char Nie):
yesterday evening HAHA XD
22) What kind of music does 8 (Shye Wei)like:
23) Does 1 (Chloe) have any siblings:
Yeeap, a sister HAHA
24) Will you woo 3 (Ern):
O________________O NOOOO! I aint less!
25) How about 7 (Kye Chin)
No thanks I told you already I ain't less...>_<
26) Is 4 (Char Nie) single:
yeeap..I think HAHAH
27) What's the surname of 5 (Char Lie)
*cough* *cough* Cow *cough*
28) What's the hobby of 5 (Char Lie)
Trying to sneak into David Archuleta's perfomance in the stadium....XD
29) Do 5(Char Lie) and 9(Zhen Meng) get along well:
Yeah..I think so HAHA XD
30) Where is 2 (Cheryl) studying at:
Saujana with us retards HAHA XD
31) Say something casual about your eyes:
err...they're light brown and people's first impression would be " Do you wear contacts?" HAHAH XD
32) Have you tried developing feelings for 5 (Char Lie)
O_O As friends yeah other than that no
33) Where does 9 (Zhen Meng) lives?
I dont know! I DONT STALK HIM! >_<
34) What colour does 4 (Char Nie) likes:
Purple and pink now HAHA XD
35) Are 5 (Char Lie)and 1 (Chloe) good friends:
They're ok okla XD
36) Does 7 ( Kye Chin) likes 2 (Cheryl)
*cough* Someone *cough* will be on *cough* a killing spree *cough*
I didn't say anything =)
37) How did you get to know 2 (Cheryl)
I was introduced by Anash and Chloe during standard 5 XD
38) Does 1 (Chloe) have any pets:
yes...She used to have a guinea pig and she has fishes..HAHA XD
39) Is 7 (Kye Chin) the sexiest person in the world:
I guess she is BUT I DONT LOOK AT HER THAT WAY! She's pretty and beautiful in her own way!!!
40) Are you sexy?
O_O *pause* ..............*blacks out*
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Watch these, its really funny and retarded ..HAHAHAHAHAHHA XD LAUGH LIKE MAD!!! It' your face? XD;;;
Click here XD
HAHA I hope you all enjoy it XD
Click here XD
HAHA I hope you all enjoy it XD
Friday, April 3, 2009
In tuition today lots of familiar nick names came out...HAHA Su Wen's potatoes and pink oinky friends were mention too...HAHA XD Char Lie's cow friend was mentioned too..HAHA XD And YEAH ground nuts was talked about ..HAHA Almost related to long beans......I think. It started from here...
-----Talking about location of Sandakan----
Teacher: That time me and my friend went to visit a musuem in Sabah. Then there was this huge map there. So, the tourist guide gathered the tourists there and said " You know that the state is said that it looks like a *oinky friend* ( You get it right? HAHA XD)" It doesn't look like that right? I mean it doesnt have the big blunt nose and it looks like a dog!!
Class: HAHAHAHAHA Teacher then what?
Teacher: Then, we talked to a Kandazan and mentioned what happend earlier..HAHA She repied" HUH? A *oinky friend*!?!?! Where got!?! It's a dog!"
-----Was talking about kawasan pendalaman and kampung area-------
Teacher: Eh, you know at night you'll be hearing crickets sounds during the whole night.
Tuition mate#1: Like that I die already lo if I stay one night there...!
Teacher: If you think that's bad, during the mating season ah...AIYO! The frogs will be croaking
so much and make so much noise! *imitates croaking sound*
Tuition mate#2: Eh, teacher then if cow then lagi worse lo! *moooos*
Class and teacher: HAHAHAHAHA
Teacher: Oh yeah, you know ah. I saw a horse erected.
Tuition mates except me and tuition#3: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Me and tuition mate#3: HUH????!?!?! O____O Whats that mean?
Tuition mate#4: *shows action with finger*
Me and tuition mate#4: O______________________________________________O
Teacher: Yeah, its true. I went to a beach and saw a horse got erected by a mare nearby. HAHA
Teacher: Me and my friend were walking on the beach and saw the horse. And then I saw something peculiar. Something long was sticking out under it. And so I asked my friend and she said it was the horse's you-know-what.
Teacher: I even took pictures of it when he was erected. HAHA Never seen it before so I took pictures of it.
Class: WHAT?!?!....Are you serious? O_O
Teacher: Yeah, of course.
Teacher: Okla, continue the lesson.
----------Teaches.....then comes to the part where....--------
Teacher: So, tanam tanaman simpangan seperti kacang tanah.
Tuition mate#3: Err, teacher. Potatoe can ah?
Teacher: Yeeah, can! Sweet potatoes also can.
Tuition mate#4: Teacher what about tapioca?
Teacher: Tapioca IS sweet potatoe la HAHA
Teacher: Eh, you know ah. Potatoes/ Sweet Poatatoes (I have forgotten which one she was refering to...XD;;) can actually help to prevent cancer.
teacher: Yeah, that's why you don't see people last time during the Japanese time having cancer, because they eat potatoes a lot in their meals! You guys never eat potato porridge before right?
Tuition mate#2: Got! I mix in potatoes and carrots!
Teacher: Last time don't have carrots! They use lots of potatoes and only use 1/2 cup of rice for a family of 10!
Class: O___________O Walau.
Teacher: Yeeah..So now you know la. Ok, back to the lesson.
HAHAAH It was so funny HAHA XD
And I watched Twilight earlier on! FINALLY WATCHED IT!! *Happy mode* HEEEEEHEHEHEHEHE XD
It was so nice!!~!~! I was squeeling a my brother got a little annoyed...HAHA XD
And I'm so addicted to mangas now...I NEED TO STOP READING UNTIL I'M FINISHED WITH ALL THE TINGS I NEED TO DO!! Help me someone! T^T
-----Talking about location of Sandakan----
Teacher: That time me and my friend went to visit a musuem in Sabah. Then there was this huge map there. So, the tourist guide gathered the tourists there and said " You know that the state is said that it looks like a *oinky friend* ( You get it right? HAHA XD)" It doesn't look like that right? I mean it doesnt have the big blunt nose and it looks like a dog!!
Class: HAHAHAHAHA Teacher then what?
Teacher: Then, we talked to a Kandazan and mentioned what happend earlier..HAHA She repied" HUH? A *oinky friend*!?!?! Where got!?! It's a dog!"
-----Was talking about kawasan pendalaman and kampung area-------
Teacher: Eh, you know at night you'll be hearing crickets sounds during the whole night.
Tuition mate#1: Like that I die already lo if I stay one night there...!
Teacher: If you think that's bad, during the mating season ah...AIYO! The frogs will be croaking
so much and make so much noise! *imitates croaking sound*
Tuition mate#2: Eh, teacher then if cow then lagi worse lo! *moooos*
Class and teacher: HAHAHAHAHA
Teacher: Oh yeah, you know ah. I saw a horse erected.
Tuition mates except me and tuition#3: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Me and tuition mate#3: HUH????!?!?! O____O Whats that mean?
Tuition mate#4: *shows action with finger*
Me and tuition mate#4: O______________________________________________O
Teacher: Yeah, its true. I went to a beach and saw a horse got erected by a mare nearby. HAHA
Teacher: Me and my friend were walking on the beach and saw the horse. And then I saw something peculiar. Something long was sticking out under it. And so I asked my friend and she said it was the horse's you-know-what.
Teacher: I even took pictures of it when he was erected. HAHA Never seen it before so I took pictures of it.
Class: WHAT?!?!....Are you serious? O_O
Teacher: Yeah, of course.
Teacher: Okla, continue the lesson.
----------Teaches.....then comes to the part where....--------
Teacher: So, tanam tanaman simpangan seperti kacang tanah.
Tuition mate#3: Err, teacher. Potatoe can ah?
Teacher: Yeeah, can! Sweet potatoes also can.
Tuition mate#4: Teacher what about tapioca?
Teacher: Tapioca IS sweet potatoe la HAHA
Teacher: Eh, you know ah. Potatoes/ Sweet Poatatoes (I have forgotten which one she was refering to...XD;;) can actually help to prevent cancer.
teacher: Yeah, that's why you don't see people last time during the Japanese time having cancer, because they eat potatoes a lot in their meals! You guys never eat potato porridge before right?
Tuition mate#2: Got! I mix in potatoes and carrots!
Teacher: Last time don't have carrots! They use lots of potatoes and only use 1/2 cup of rice for a family of 10!
Class: O___________O Walau.
Teacher: Yeeah..So now you know la. Ok, back to the lesson.
HAHAAH It was so funny HAHA XD
And I watched Twilight earlier on! FINALLY WATCHED IT!! *Happy mode* HEEEEEHEHEHEHEHE XD
It was so nice!!~!~! I was squeeling a my brother got a little annoyed...HAHA XD
And I'm so addicted to mangas now...I NEED TO STOP READING UNTIL I'M FINISHED WITH ALL THE TINGS I NEED TO DO!! Help me someone! T^T
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April's Fool SMK Sri Saujana... XD
Was expecting some pranks.....and I wanted to be pranked free......but then I kena around 8 times already...T________T darn, twice from Shye Wei, thrice from Becca.....I just found out that I am so gullible...LOL HAHA XD many pranks were about....HAHA The joy of April Fool's....(?)
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