Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One Word




We got to bake and bring back some cookies we made! Some of us were separated to culinary and er...pastry/ baking (?) Those who went for culinary didn't get to do much because of the knifes and most probably other sharp tools =/ But some of them came to ours =)

I went for the baking one! and it was fuuuuuun! I got teamed up with Shiao Yen and Mabel 8D

We had two seniors guiding us and they were really fun to be with! We did gingerbread house! And apparently there isn't any ginger in it at all =.= I thought they really would use ginger for it and it would taste awfully bitter.

I've been wondering why'd they call it gingerbread anyway? O___o LOL Instead it tasted sweet and was nice! =D

We got to decorate it with icing sugar too! We made the icing sugar ourselves! *Proud moment!*

HAHAHAHA XD We had a lot of fun doing it~! Other groups were doing other types and CL's and CN's group were doing snowman. But they were being artistic *cough* =D , so they deco it differently for every different cookie. I think I saw her showing one in a bikini.... HAHA

After we were done with ours, we started deco-ing when mabel's being distratcted.

*Pssssssst!* Today's Mabel birthday !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

We started with the happy birthday words (done by Shiao Yen)and deco it a bit (Done by Char Lie and me!). It was supposed to be a suprise but.....Mabel came by and took a look =.= So, we sang hapy birthday there at that spot HAHAHHA XD

After that we had a buffet, you hear that Su Wen! BUUUFFFFEEEEEET! 8D We ate a lot till we were stuffed XD THE LASAGNA WAS AWESOME! 8D

I couldn't eat the chocolate cake and the bread pudding although I did try it a bit XD

I wish we could've stayed longer =( It was so fun!!!

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