Thursday, March 19, 2009


LOL XD I suddenly remembered it when I was argueing with my older brother about the channel.. XD I was watching "Greatest American Dog" and then he wanted to watch "How Its Made" but they're cast on the same my brother decided to settle it with rock, paper, scissors..LOL XD We forgot and lost count...and in the end he let me watch my show! =) Whee!~! And then he started saying.." Lame"

and then we started the arguement..XD

" Your lamer! >=P"


"lamo!................LOL LAMOS! HAHAHAHAHA"

LAMOS is from Totally Spies.. LOl yes, I watch that show and proud to admit it =)

LAMOS ( League Aiming to Menace and Overthrow the Spies)

HAHAHHAHAHA If you watch it, you'll get it.. XD

OH YEAH, remember to turn off everything on March 28th...(Yeah la fine Timothy you win, it's 28th not 27th......BLEH! ) from 8.30-9.30 p.m.!!!! =) Save the world!~!~! XD

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