The 'brief case' XD

The guns, bullet thingy keeper..

LOL Me pointing at my brother.. XD And nooo, those arent contacts they're just the red rubber thing whihc we stuck on his specs.. XD;;;;;
Err....no comment! XD

HAHA Winnie the Pooh scared to death by the guns in my brother's hand.. XD

" D-don't shoot! I-I'll give you a-all the h-honey I h-h-have!!!" Winnie exclaims in fright.

.....He was aiming at me while I was defenceless and innocently doing my homework! *_* Its gonna be payback time next time.. XD;;
Err....no comment! XD

HAHA Winnie the Pooh scared to death by the guns in my brother's hand.. XD

" D-don't shoot! I-I'll give you a-all the h-honey I h-h-have!!!" Winnie exclaims in fright.

.....He was aiming at me while I was defenceless and innocently doing my homework! *_* Its gonna be payback time next time.. XD;;
There were still more pictures but I deleted most of them and one of it was me accidently sleeping on my desk...^^llllllll Luckily I managed to delete it before he could do anything to it.
Anywayla, this is one of the silly, whack stuff we do... XD
Anywayla, this is one of the silly, whack stuff we do... XD
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