I'm not saying that I don't like Moon Cakes; they're delicious how could I not like them!!!! There's these few mooncakes that gave me goosbumps.... This is what happend yesterday..
Me: Mom, I'm kinda hungry...XD
My mom: Go find something to eat in the kitchen then.
Me: *walks to the kitchen* ....*searching for food =P*
My mom: Why don't you eat these eerr....chocolote biscuits...?
Me: They're for New Year's la....Oh, I mean Moon Cake Festival.
My mom: What about mooncakes? *Takes the mooncakes out of the cupboard*
Me: But it's for New Year - I mean Mooncake Festival.
My mom: Nevermind la. *walks away because my father called her*
Me: Okay...*Opens the cover and sees a cut mooncake* *helds it up and.....* 0.0..... Mom......it has a weird smell...............!...0.0 MOM!!! It has white fungus ALL OVER IT!!!!!
My mom: *Comes to check* Yeah la... 0.0
My dad: What's going on? *Sees the mooncake* 0.0 What...the.....?!?!? Aiyo....Really la you all must have accidently spilled water over it when it was opened....
Me: *Checks the other three mooncakes* 0.0...But....these two haven't opened yet and already got white fungus in them too...
My dad: 0.0 I'm gonna return these mooncakes tommorow! >=( Even one of you all ate one piece of it already without even noticing...
So you see? I'm kind afraid to eat them....so everytime I always smell it and observe whether there's any fungus on it...>_<''
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